Archive for November, 2009

Einsatz für den Online-Blackjack bietet zahlreiche Vorteile

[ English ]

Wenn Sie auf Black Jack im Internet setzen, müssen Sie wissen, dass es Black Jack Software-Unternehmen, vertraut werden kann. Diese Unternehmen sind mehr verdienen als angemessene Geldbeträge von wirklichen Verlierer, dass sie kein Interesse daran, dass Sie eine Fahrt haben. Normalerweise ist das Bild, dass 20% der Online-Gamer bietet diese Online-Casinos 90% ihres Einkommens. Sie sind unermüdlich auf der Suche nach neuen Liebhaber, so dass sie sicher, dass es äußerst günstig für Sie, sich ihnen anzuschließen. Der Haken sie beschäftigen, wird als Bonus.

Wenn Sie ein erfahrener Spieler, Black Jack und verstehen die grundlegenden Blackjack-Strategie werden Sie ein Nachteil von etwa 0,5% aufweisen. Also, wenn das Casino erfordert, dass Sie bis zu $ 50 im Wert von Wetten statt, bevor Sie das Geld nehmen Sie Sie jede Wette Folge nichts daran zu oder Sie können jeden der Wetten zu gewinnen und 100 Dollar daran zu haben, kann verlieren, aber im Großen und Ganzen you ' ll am Ende mit vierzig Dollar zu sechzig Dollar zu entziehen. So lernen die Grundlagen in chemin de fer im Voraus zu beginnen zu spielen. Wenn nicht, dann können Sie prüfen, spielen anderen Casino-Spiel wie Baccara chemin de fer oder Craps. Hier müssen Sie ein bisschen mehr als ein Prozent Hausvorteil. Es ist ratsam, dass Sie die Tabelle mindestens jedes Mal, wenn Sie wetten Wette.

Am einfachsten zu spielen auf Kredit. Wenn Sie wetten Ihre Kreditkarte wird belastet, aber nach ein paar Tage später erhält sie einen Kredit von der gleichen Firma.


Scommettere sul gioco del Blackjack Online presenta numerosi vantaggi

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Se siete alla ricerca di scommettere su blackjack in rete, dovete sapere che ci sono aziende di software black jack, che ci si può fidare. Queste società stanno guadagnando più di adeguate quantità di denaro da veri perdenti che non hanno alcun interesse a prendere per un giro. Di solito l'immagine è che il 20% dei giocatori online sono fornisce tali casinò on-line il 90% dei loro guadagni. Essi sono continuamente alla ricerca di nuovi appassionati, in modo da garantire che è estremamente favorevole per voi di unirsi a loro. Il gancio che impiegano è chiamato un bonus.

Se sei un giocatore esperto Jack Black e capire la strategia di base blackjack avrete uno svantaggio di circa lo 0,5%. Quindi, se il casinò richiede di inserire un valore di $ 50 puntate prima di prendere il cash out si può perdere ciascuna scommessa con conseguente nulla da togliere o si può vincere ogni scommessa e sono 100 dollari per tenere fuori, ma in linea di massima si ' ll termine con quaranta dollari a sessanta dollari a ritirarsi. Così imparare le basi di chemin de fer in anticipo di cominciare a giocare. Se poi non si potrebbe prendere in considerazione giocare un altro gioco del casinò, come baccarat chemin de fer o craps. Qui avrete un po 'più di un bordo una casa per cento. E 'consigliabile che si requisiti minimi di scommessa della tabella ogni volta che si scommessa.

E 'semplice da svolgere a credito. Quando inizi a scommettere sulla carta di credito viene addebitato, ma dopo pochi giorni dopo riceve un credito da parte della stessa società.


Discover How to Bet on Blackjack: A Learner’s Guide

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

For those who have never competed in blackjack online before here’s a hint, it is extremely easy to learn. If you understand how to count to 21 and do basic adding, you can compete in chemin de fer. The object of the game is to arrive as near to 21 as possible while not exceeding 21. Easy enough right? Now here is how a round is played.

The black jack dealer will deal you a card 1 at a time. After looking at the cards you need to then determine if you can afford to accept a further card without the risk of exceeding twenty-one. It’ll help if you have knowledge that a jack, queen, and king are all worth ten points, and ace is worth either 11 points or one point, whichever helps you out the most.

So how do you win? If you understand the object then you will be able to win. All you need to do is have all your cards to be as close to 21 as you can without going over, if you go over then you immediately lose. You can also not loose by having the exact same number of points as the chemin de fer dealer.

Now that you know the game rules of black jack you must know the dialect. If you get confused, honestly tell the croupier, "I’m out" or "I surrender" you will then be able to quit the hand with half your bet on the table rather than your complete wager. If you inform the dealer, "I’d like to double down" this will double your wager under the stipulation that you have to win the hand after your next card is given to you.

That’s all there is to it. Blackjack is an amazing casino game to get your feet wet in the world of online gambling because the rules are so easy to understand.


Blackjack Is Like A Rollercoaster

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Blackjack is a game that brings to mind an image of a wild ride. It is a game that begins slowly, but gradually picks up speed. As you slowly build up your bank roll, you feel as though you are getting up to the top of the coaster and then when you don’t expect it, the bottom falls.

black jack is so incredibly like a crazy ride the similarities are hair-raising. As with the popular fair ground experience, your black jack game will peak and things will seem as though they are going great for a time before it bottoms out one more time. You definitely have to be a gambler that is able to adjust well to the ups and downs of the game especially given that the game of blackjack is packed full of them.

If you like the tiny coaster, 1 that will not go too high or fast, then bet small. If you find the only way you can enjoy the crazy ride is with a fatter wager, then hop on for the crazy ride of your life on the monster coaster. The high-stakes gambler will love the view from the monster rollercoaster because he or she is not thinking on the drop as they rush quickly to the top of the game.

A win goal and a loss limit works well in black jack, but very few players adhere to it. In black jack, if you "get on the rollercoaster" as it is going up, that is an awesome feeling, but when the cards "go south" and the coaster starts to twist and turn, you had better bail out in a hurry.

If you do not, you might not naturally remember how much you enjoyed the good life while your cash was "up". The only thing you will remember is a lot of uncertainties, a cool ride and your head in the air. As you are recalling "what ifs", you won’t find it easy to recollect how "high up" you went but you will recall that catastrophic fall as clear as day.